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What is This?


This blog was created for me to have a place to vent about things in dance that I'm passionate about.  None of my blogs are based on research or statistics, but it is based on my personal opinions, biases, and values.


I refer to myself as Danceosaurus on purpose.  I'm on the more seasoned side of life.  I very well may be out of touch with the "now".  I concede that.  I love innovations in dance.   But get dissappointed when when someone, even by accident, tries to marginalize the art form.  


If you're are offended by my comments just ignore me.  I'm not trying to offend or convince anybody of anything.  I'm not even saying I'm right.  I just needed a place to excerise some thought.  



Just A Moment: Nothing About Dance Just A Moment

I’ve followed the US election and subsequent Trump presidency, so far. Wow! What a gong show!! As I’ve listened to various news reporters, “so called” pundits, and officals, not only am I just appalled at what being going on, but I am driven quite crazy by the over used phrase “at-the-end-of-the-day”!

Now I know there is more to be upset about than a simple idiom. The shear amount of lying, deflection, spinning, minimizing, parsing, arguing, etc. is beyond anybody’s ability to really cope. It’s hard to believe these are mature, responsible adults and leaders. But this use of “at the end of the day” really, reaLLY, REALLY annoys me.

As soon as some speaker, reporter, “expert”, or pundit uses that phrase, I immediate think to myself, this person is just minimizing their statement. Jockeying around some partial truth. Just to get to the point they believe to be fact. And they want ME to BELIEVE that their point is true and the short cut they used to get there, as well. It’s like saying, “We all have nice clothes to wear, but at-the-end-of-the-day we all wear pajamas”. Now that assumes that everyone has nice clothes and pajamas. Now, that maybe be true in some families but not all. And not everyone wears pajamas at the end of the day.

So, if an “expert” finishes their thought with “at-the-end-of-the-day blah, blah, blah”. Be aware that I now assume some of what they’re saying is, “bull s**t”, and they will be added to my mental list of “squeaky wheels” that only address partial facts.

Now if all this craziness doesn’t improve. There may be a SAD day where there’s no “at-the-end-of-the-day” to refer to. So, just tell me the truth. I can handle the truth. All of it.

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